Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Suburbanization A.M.S ( Bell Ringer )

- Occurs when central cities lose population to the surrounding areas.
-Technology development such as (i.e Telephones, Radios, Television, Lab Computers, Fax Machines and Internet) have allowed people to live away from the central city without loosing touch with whats is going on there. -The concentration of a large population in need of public services (i.e Schools, Transportation) without the tax base to provide them. -The development of low- income areas by middle-class home buyers, landlords, and professional developers. -Yes we have areas like (i.e Rooftops and etc.) from old garment apartments. Gentrification- is a smaller, more focused version of an Urban Downtown. -No, because it would would most likely occur Northern whether than Southern.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Diversity In My Neighborhood (Essay)

I live in Dallas, Texas and I go to Antonio Maceo Smith (A.M.S) and I will be talking about the differences in my life. Diversity plays a big part in my neighborhood. Diversity is the differences that people have. In my neighborhood we have many differences dealy with cultural languages. You have Spanish, English, French, and Aerobic. We also have a difference in the Religion, as in Christian,Catholic, and Muslim. In my neighborhood there are the difference in how people feel about getting married at certain ages. 16 or 18 t o be exact. Diversity is all around the world even big,small,animal, and humans. I have presented you with the Diversity among my neighbors our neighborhood.! -Thank You Daevonda Hawthorne