Thursday, March 31, 2011


The Speaker Boehner said Friday that the House would defend the Marriage Act. The moves finally notify Obama administrations to refain from defending the law because of its legal assessment that might be legal in other states or jurisdictions. In the statment, Boehner implied that President Obama had overstepped his constitutional authority byu deciding to have his justice Department no longer defend the law in court. Boehner said: ''i will convince a meeting of the bipartism Legal Advisory Group for the purpose of initating action by the house to defend this law of the United States, which was enacted by the Bipartism vote in Congress and siqned by President Bill Clinton.'' There has been many family who tried to serve and help the DOMA act in court and Boehner charge that Obama failed to address a social issue when voters really want policy markers to focus on jobs was thrown back at him by the HRC.